Holy One, in your love and mercy: hear our prayer. Holy One, Spark of Life, creation was envisioned by you and is sustained by you; in gratitude we pray for the world: that its riches and resources be used responsibly and fairly; that its … [Continue reading] about prayers of the people: in your love and mercy
prayers of the people: risen Lord, hear our cry
Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Risen Lord, hear our cry for help - for those surrounded by the shroud of death for those covered by the mantle of dying for those hemmed-in by illness, visible or veiled hear our cry for help… for … [Continue reading] about prayers of the people: risen Lord, hear our cry
Prayer: out of the tomb
God of resurrection power, you called your Son out of the tomb and in so doing, called the whole creation into new life. Even now, you call us to join your way of resurrection, you lift our eyes and raise our hearts, you transform our minds and … [Continue reading] about Prayer: out of the tomb
prayer: you were there, you are here
Creator of Palms and Presence in Passion, you were there. You were there for the triumphant entry - riding a donkey and colt (untied for sacred purpose) on a road covered with cloaks padded with palms. You were there to battle injustice … [Continue reading] about prayer: you were there, you are here
prayers of the people: come to us
Word of God, come to us as you came to Lazarus. Come to the caves of our lives - caves we have created, and caves we have sought; Caves to which we have been sent, caves in which we now reside. Come to the caves of our world - caves of … [Continue reading] about prayers of the people: come to us
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