It’s hard to believe that Advent is just around the corner—but it is! I’ve started thinking a bit about the liturgy for the season, and with some help from my trusty LiturgyLink colleague Teri we’ve developed something that we’re happy to start sharing here! We welcome further feedback on it in the comments—and of course liturgy submissions around it! You’ll likely be seeing some things based on it here starting soon… Look over the whole outline after the break! [Read more…] about Advent 2013: The Path to the Holy Mountain
call for contributions: musical liturgy
It’s been a while since we on LiturgyLink have sent out a special call for contributions, but today brings an end to that! As a Presbyterian pastor, a music lover, and a connoisseur of congregational song, I’m looking forward to the upcoming release by the end of this month of Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal. While there’s been a bit of controversy over one song that was left out due to a copyright kerfluffle, the contents look to blend familiar favorites with new and innovative songs from close to home and around the world. Even if you’re not a Presbyterian, I hope you’re aware of this new resource, as there is an ecumenical edition too!
In celebration of the release of Glory to God, we’re looking to publish some liturgical resources that blend words and music in new and creative ways. Maybe you’ve created a response to the assurance of pardon that works well for a particular season. Maybe you’ve found a way to blend a song with words of liturgy to create space for congregational participation. Maybe you’ve even written a musical setting of some liturgical element that you would like to share. If you’ve done any of these or other things, we hope you’ll share them with the LiturgyLink community!
You can send your submissions for this project or any time to Due to copyright restrictions around words and music, we reserve the right to edit, reformat, or even set aside submissions. If you submit original work, please indicate any copyright restrictions that you might have on its use. Any questions, please let us know. And thanks as always for your submissions as we continue to create together!
CTW: pour out your peace
In the last days, when great wonders will occur, says God,
I will pour out my spirit on all people.
On the very first Pentecost, to begin my church, says God,
I will pour out my spirit on all people.
On this Pentecost, in this very church, says God,
I will pour out my spirit on all people.
Your Spirit is here among us, O God.
May we feel the spark of her fire, the rush of her wind.
May our visions and dreams be of justice and mercy for all your creation;
May we prophesy to your vision of a new heaven and a new earth.
Remove our anxious nerves that prevent our calling out your name.
Come, Holy Spirit, come! May you pour out your peace on all your people!
Based on Joel 2:28 and Acts 2
Submitted by Rev. Rebecca Page Lesley, Suffolk Presbyterian Church, Suffolk, VA
confession and assurance: not enough
O God, you are my God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
We confess that we are no longer seeking anything because we believe we can longer be surprised. As those who live in a place of security we do not understand what it means to faint or to thirst. Have mercy on us.
So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory.
We have come into this sanctuary today with not enough reverence, not enough praise, and not enough awe for You. Have mercy upon us.
Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands and call on your name.
We are afraid to make a spectacle of ourselves when we sing, or pray or praise You. Our worship is too clean, organized and so stay an arm’s length away from You. Have mercy on us.
But those who seek to destroy my life shall go down into the depths of the earth; they shall be given over to the power of the sword, they shall be prey for jackals.
We look for revenge, we gloat and we rejoice when some around us stumble or fall. We have lost sight that we have participated in the destruction of life and are in danger of Your disappointment, wrath or anger. Have mercy on us.
Silent Confession
Words of Assurance
O Lord, You have been our help. In the shadow of Your wings we sing for joy. Our souls cling to you. Your hands hold onto us. We are reminded of Your forgiveness and Your mercy. We are reminded that in You we have new life. Alleluia. Amen.
Passing of the Peace
(Can be read responsively with the leader reading the scripture and then the Congregation responding, or by two voices, or by voices sprinkled throughout the Congregation.)
Submitted by Rev. Shannan Vance-Ocampo, Watchung Avenue Presbyterian Church, North Plainfield, NJ
Sunday’s Coming: working toward October 14
I always find the fall to be the toughest time of the year to be preaching the Lectionary. During the high liturgical seasons, there is an easy connection to something beyond the scripture, but by the time October rolls around, it so often feels like we’re stuck in a historical book of the Old Testament or in one of the boring parts of the gospels that just doesn’t connect to the world of today. Can’t we just get some Reformation or All Saints in here already??!
Nonetheless, Sunday keeps coming, and there’s liturgy to be prepared and a sermon to write. What are you thinking about this week? Are you working your way through Job, grieving with him the seeming absence of God that then gets highlighted again in Psalm 22? Or is your focus on the letter to the Hebrews, with its emphasis on the word of God and the high-priestliness of Jesus? Or are you taking on the rich young ruler from Mark, perhaps pairing it with the prophetic call to justice and righteousness from Amos?
Where are you leaning this week? What liturgical resources do you need, and what can you share? Any hymns in mind? Join the conversation in the comments, and let’s create together!
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