It’s hard to believe that Advent is just around the corner—but it is! I’ve started thinking a bit about the liturgy for the season, and with some help from my trusty LiturgyLink colleague Teri we’ve developed something that we’re happy to start sharing here! We welcome further feedback on it in the comments—and of course liturgy submissions around it! You’ll likely be seeing some things based on it here starting soon… Look over the whole outline after the break!
The Path to the Holy Mountain
1st Sunday of Advent (RCL Year A)
Psalm 122
Isaiah 2:1-5
“Let us God up to the mountain of the LORD…”
- What is it to go to this holy space?
- Where are we going?
- What is the destination of our journey?
Call to Worship/Advent Candle Liturgy and Prayer of Confession
2nd Sunday of Advent
Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19
Isaiah 11:1-10
“They will not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain…”
- What will this holy mountain look like?
- What kind of community emerges when we live like this?
- How do we live this out in our lives and our world?
Call to Worship/Advent Candle Liturgy and Prayer of Confession
3rd Sunday of Advent
Luke 1:46b-55 (Magnificat)
Isaiah 35:1-10
“[They will] come to Zion with singing…”
- What joy do we bring to this time and place?
- What justice and new life need to emerge in our world?
- How do we sing the good news in our day and age?
4th Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 7:10-16
Matthew 1:18-25
“The Lord himself will give you a sign…”
- What are the signs and promises of the Incarnation today?
- How do we resist God’s presence breaking into our world as Joseph tried to do?
- How do we know that Jesus is with us?
Are there Week Three and Week Four Advent Candle liturgies available? Thanks.
Hi Jasmine,
This post has all four weeks on this theme in it….if you click “candle liturgies” on the left you will find all of the ones that have ever been submitted to LiturgyLink in the past 8 years. I hope that helps.