Holy One, in your love and mercy: hear our prayer.
Holy One, Spark of Life,
creation was envisioned by you and is sustained by you;
in gratitude we pray for the world:
that its riches and resources be used responsibly and fairly;
that its rulers and leaders may govern with justice, compassion and humility;
that humankind may live with understanding and respect,
noticing what unites us;
In your love and mercy: hear our prayer.
Holy One, Prophet of Love,
you lived among us to teach us – to show us – how to love;
in humility we pray for siblings around the globe:
for those dehumanized by their struggle for existence, may we listen;
for those overshadowed by the constancy of death, may we notice;
for those besieged by fear, anger and relentless peril, may we show up;
for those ensnared by systems beyond their control, may we demand change.
In your love and mercy, hear our prayer.
Holy One, Breath of Being,
you are here – in this very moment – as constant presence and insistent voice;
in gratitude we pray…with boldness we pray:
inundate the world with humanity,
overwhelm the world with truth,
flood the world with kindness,
upset our indifference,
accelerate our action,
fortify our resolve,
compel us to authentic discipleship
that nurtures creation, embodies love and breathes life.
In your love and mercy, hear our prayer.
submitted by Katherine Kussmaul, Saint Giles Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC
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