Covenant-making God, you declare your compassion for all your creation.
You promised to care for every creature,
and placed your bow in the clouds as a reminder of that promise.
We confess that we are prone to limiting your promise to humanity….
or, rather, to us.
Forgive us when we narrow your grace,
thinking that creation is for our use and we are free to exploit and destroy.
Remind us that we are made in your image,
and called to love as you love…down to the smallest creature.
Guide our eyes to see the rainbow,
sign of your promise that violence shall not have the last word,
and help us to follow you more faithfully.
We pray in the name of the One who was obedient to your non-violent will,
even to the cross and beyond to the empty tomb, Jesus the Christ. Amen.
(A block with a rainbow may be placed on/near the table or other space designated for symbols of the season)
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson
Other liturgy for this series following the Old Testament readings for Lent B may be found here.
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