The God of creation is the God of all things.
All are equal in God’s eyes.
A fathering God made the trees that shelter the birds.
A mothering God created yielding soil for burrowing creatures.
God knows the longing of a heart for a home.
God provides a home for our hearts.
God’s presence meets us in doors and hallways.
God’s Spirit lingers in kitchens and living rooms.
God commands that we who have been welcomed must in turn be welcoming.
God walks with those who are turned away from welcome.
May the God of shelter inspire our worship.
May the God of homecoming inspire our welcome.
All are welcome where God is,
There is nowhere we can go that God is not.
All are welcome.
All are welcome.
Submitted by Rev. Julia Seymour, Lutheran Church of Hope, Anchorage, AK.
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