Let us pray to God saying:
God of Welcome and Wonder, help us draw the welcome circle wider.
Triune God,
you are the Creator, who has brought all life into being.
With nothing but a word, you stirred the whirling planets.
You brought life to the fish of the sea and the birds of the air.
You called to your family people of different colors, races, and creeds.
Help us to value the perspective of people different than us.
God of Welcome and Wonder, help us draw the welcome circle wider.
Triune God,
you are the Redeemer, who has renewed all of creation.
With nothing but a body, you walked this earth and changed our lives.
You brought freedom to the enslaved and salvation to the oppressed.
You called to your family people of different colors, races, and creeds.
Help us to welcome the truth that ALL people are worthy of love.
God of Welcome and Wonder, help us draw the welcome circle wider.
Triune God,
you are the Sustainer, who brings all of us together.
With nothing but a wind, you brought us all together.
You brought unity to those who were divided by society
You called to your family people of different passions, gifts, and voices.
Help us spread the news of your gospel that all might be invited to its abundance.
God of Welcome and Wonder, help us draw the welcome circle wider.
Triune God,
help us care for those who are in need:
for those who are alone this day,
for those who lack the resources to care for their family,
for those who see no way out of the graves that surround them,
for those who want nothing more than a word of welcome,
and for those who need the gospel to sustain them for the coming week.
Help us care for those who we lift up to you now aloud or in silence…
God of Welcome and Wonder, help us draw the welcome circle wider.
Triune God,
hear our prayer this day
and provide for us our daily manna
that we might continue to serve you faithfully.
This we pray in the name of Jesus, who taught us to pray, saying: Our Father…
Submitted by Rev. Stephen M. Fearing, Beaumont Presbyterian Church, Lexington, KY
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