God of our ancestors, Creator of our universe, Lord of our lives, we worship so many things. With our time and our energy and our money, we worship so many things. We worship financial stability, we worship material possessions, we worship education, we worship “success,” we worship family, we worship tradition. Yet you have clearly commanded us to not bow down and worship idols that we have created for ourselves. Forgive us Lord. Have mercy on our misplaced worship.
Silent prayers of confession
Gracious God, forgive us and heal us of our unholy habit to worship anything other than you. For you are our God, our Creator, and our Lord, and you alone are worthy of our worship and praise. So send your Spirit to inspire us to worship you with our whole selves: our time, our energy, our financial decisions, our relationships, and our very lives. Amen.
Submitted by Rev Berry French, Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, Black Mountain, NC.
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