One: God, you have called us into community, and gifted us with ways to celebrate your presence and to mark our journey.
All: Forgive us for the times when we have believed that our way is the only way, trusting in the words and actions rather than in the One to whom they point.
One: Through words ancient and new, you speak. Through bread and water, journey and prayer, feast and fast, you show us your way.
All: When these rituals of your people become nothing but empty rote recitation, not worth our attention, forgive us.
One: We hear your words of invitation, but sometimes we are certain they do not apply to us.
Reader 1: We are not worthy of your notice.
Reader 2: We are too smart and sophisticated for such things.
Reader 3: We aren’t sure we believe it all.
All: We are not ready, we do not understand, if you knew what we’d done…
One: And you say: You are my beloved, and I have called you by name.
All: We offer ourselves to you, O God, not because we are good, but because you are good.
sung: Kyrie Eleison
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL.
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