We are an Advent people,
a people of hope.
For us, Advent is a time of waiting,
and so we wait.
We wait for the coming of the One
who is the fulfillment of God’s promise,
the fulfillment of hope,
the declaration that we have been redeemed.
Even so, we are not a naïve people.
We know that the world in which we live
will continue to be filled with pain and sorrow.
We know that hatred and violence will continue to exist.
We know that death and separation will continue to be a part of our lives.
But because we are an Advent people,
we know that none of these things will win in the end.
The Holy One is coming,
to make holy once again
all that was, is, and ever will be.
And in our waiting and our hoping,
we work and worship,
pray and play,
in all things hoping that peace, love and joy will reign
in our lives and in our world,
now and forever.
Submitted by Rev. Rebecca F. Harrison, Transitional Pastor, Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church, Sparks, NV
thank you!
Thanks, this is wonderful for the season.
am blessed with this timely message thanks.