It’s Trinity Sunday! One of my friends once told me it was one of her favorite High Holy Days, and I nearly did a double take on the phone. I’d never thought of Trinity as a High Holy Day before. Or if I had, it was way down the list, far past Easter/Pentecost/Christmas/Advent/Lent/AshWednesday…right up there with Christ the King and T-Fig. but I digress…this high holy day is here.
So, will you be singing Holy Holy Holy, and reading the text that forms the foundation for that classic hymn? Or perhaps reading John 3 (again) and reaching for one of the few vaguely trinitarian moments in the gospels, hoping to extrapolate from there?
Maybe the psalm and its many descriptions of how we can experience God could be the spark that lights a new trinity liturgy? Or perhaps Paul’s discussion of how we interact with God’s Spirit will send you down a perichoretic path?
Or are you jumping into a summer sermon series this week, leaving Trinity Sunday in the dust?
Whatever sparks your imagination, join the creativity in the comments! Who knows, the word you type could be just what someone else needs to build on, or you might find just the right turn of phrase in a friend’s wonderings. Let’s create together!
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