O Lord, you work righteousness for all in need
and uphold the cause of all who are oppressed.
Trusting in your holy ways and mighty works,
we lift up this world before your compassion and mercy.
We pray for all who suffer under anger and accusation,
who cannot see a way out of the pit their sin has dug.
Lord of compassion and mercy:
Show all people your kindness.
We pray for those who long for justice,
for the healing of long-ago hurts,
for a fair chance in life.
Lord of compassion and mercy:
Show all people your kindness.
We pray for those who seek the blessings of a spiritual community,
but who have been turned away, ridiculed, or ignored.
Lord of compassion and mercy:
Show all people your kindness.
We pray for those who have become our enemies,
from whom we are estranged,
or whom we simply cannot understand.
Lord of compassion and mercy:
Show all people your kindness.
We pray for your beloved children who are sick or suffering,
whose bodies or minds are broken,
who call out for your tender care.
Lord of compassion and mercy:
Show all people your kindness.
We pray for those who face the end of life,
who grieve the loss of loved ones,
or who have simply lost hope for the future.
Lord of compassion and mercy:
Show all people your kindness.
O Lord, we pray for your people in all the world,
calling upon your mercy in Jesus’ name,
and we pray with him as we say together:
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
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