Jesus met his disciples—women and men, young and old—
and invited them into his new life.
Jesus still meets his disciples—women and men, young and old—
and invites us into his new life.
That new life begins, as any life begins, with water and bread.
At this table, we receive the bread of new life.
At this table, we are called together from many individuals into one body.
At this table, we are strengthened to go answer Christ’s call.
This table is not mine, and it does not belong to this church.
This is not a Presbyterian table.
All of us, no matter who we are, or what we have done, or where we are on life’s journey, are as welcome here as Peter and Joanna and Mary and James were at the first table.
The risen Christ is the host, and he bids us come and celebrate the feast,
to know the power of resurrection, the joy of heaven, the glory of God’s grace.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
[…] Invitation to Communion (adapted from Rev. Teri Peterson at LiturgyLink) […]