All-We remember
One-teachers and storytellers who made God’s stories come alive for us and
All-we give thanks!
All-We remember
One-choir members, praise bands, organists, and all the musicians who sang and played your praises and
All-we give thanks!
All-We remember
One-preachers and lay leaders who led our worship through the years and
All-we give thanks!
All-We remember
One-parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, sisters, and brothers who sat with us on Sundays and lived out their faith all week long and
All-we give thanks!
All-We remember
One-our church families-this one and others we have loved. We remember all those who have been a part of this faith family and
All-we give thanks!
All-We remember
One-our ancestors in the faith whose courage enables us to be here today. For our sisters and brothers in the faith whose names are remember only by God
All-we give thanks!
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