Call to Confession
It is tempting to think we have it all figured out, but then we fool only ourselves even as we crowd out the Spirit. When we admit our faults and our failings, we make room for the still small voice of God to speak, to us and through us. Before God, with the people of God, let us confess the ways we wound our lives, and the life of the world. Let us pray.
Living God, our lives are so full, and we keep filling them. Activities, knowledge, resume-builders, work, fun, stuff—more, more, more seems to be our mantra. There is no space for us to live or move or to just be. We confess that you are often unknown to us, for we cannot see how to fit you in. We confess that we like to feel important, and with you there is no power or status to be earned. We confess that we have more than our share of most things, yet still we want. Forgive our gluttony and arrogance of mind, body, and spirit, and turn us again to see your face. Silence in us every voice but your own, and make yourself known to us again this day. Amen.
Friends, hear this good news: God is not far from each one of us. In every breath, the Spirit makes us new, alive with Christ!
We are forgiven, loved, and free. Thanks be to God! Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
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