We give you praise, O Lord, for lifting us up
from the waters of despair into the dawning of hope.
In Jesus Christ, you have triumphed over all life’s foes;
in his love, we have been healed.
Raise up those who dwell in the pit today,
who face illness or adversity,
those who long for health and success,
especially ______.
Hear us, gracious Lord: come and be our help!
Hear the voices of your faithful ones
who acknowledge your favor in their lives,
and receive our praises for your gifts to your people,
(especially _____).
Sustain those who rejoice today.
Hear us, gracious Lord: come and be our help!
Come especially to those who face death today,
and give your comfort to all who mourn.
You who raised Jesus Christ from the grave,
work your healing even in the midst of loss and grief.
(We pray especially for _____.)
Hear us, gracious Lord: come and be our help!
Open our eyes, transform our vision;
turn our mourning into dancing;
take off our mourning and clothe us again with joy,
that everything we do might become your praise,
now and forever.
Hear us, gracious Lord: come and be our help!
Hear us, Holy One, for we pray in the name of the risen Christ, as we say now together…
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Marion, Iowa
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