With out feet still wet from the waters of our baptism, we have sinned yet again. Ever dependent on the grace of God, let us affirm our brokenness and trust God’s goodness to carry us through to a new day, with a new name, and a new song.
God of our baptismal waters,
You sent the Baptist to point to your Son.
But too often, we abandon his message and point only to ourselves.
We point to our worship preferences rather than the God we worship.
We point to our status rather than the grace that makes us all equal.
We point to our values rather than the One who has always valued everyone.
We point to our traditions rather than to the One who calls us to let go.
We point to our past rather than to the One who calls us into the future.
Forgive us, Lord, for pointing in all the wrong directions.
(A sung kyrie and/or a time for silent confession can be made)
God of our baptismal hope,
Forgive us when we do not wait patiently for your direction.
Forgive us when we are too patient with our misdirection.
Hold our gaze on your baptismal promise
sealed in the life, death, and resurrection of your Son.
Through the power of your Spirit,
give us the courage to speak what we have seen
and point to the One who takes away the sins of the world.
In the name of your son, Jesus Christ, we pray.
Submitted by Stephen Fearing.
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