I know, I know, Easter isn’t even over. But it’s time to start looking ahead to the next big day, especially as it presents some unique challenges!
Pentecost this year is May 27…Memorial Day Weekend. How might that affect your planning?
Many people celebrate confirmation on Pentecost–is that in your plan?
Here it’s also graduation weekend, which throws a wrench into anything we might want to do that involves families.
Not to mention the theme, decorating, and volunteer need potential!
Will you focus on wind? fire? languages? prophecy? preaching? conversion? baptism? a generic “holy spirit” idea? Some particular aspect of the story? the church’s-birthday?
What are you thinking about for this special day? How can we create worship that will help people experience the Holy, enter the story, and leave ready to be like Peter and the other apostles?
Ready, set, create!
I can’t remember who inspired this last year, but what we ended up doing was listing in the bulletin an Introit sung by the choir that said “The Day of Pentecost.” Our director got in place, had them stand and directed them to sing, and every single choir member sang verse one of their favorite hymn – whatever it was. Then the director had them be seated. The reaction of the congregation was priceless. First: What??? Then: Ohhhhh… It got their attention and we continued with our Pentecost service.
Candi, we did that last year. It was awesome.
This year we’re working with fire as our main image…the communion table will be covered in red candles. Our famous dove mobile will also hang on the chancel with about twice as many origami doves as previously….(our profile picture on the church’s facebook page shows the original)
I’m not sure yet how we’re going to work with the fire theme, but I’m certainly open to ideas!!
I’m always a fan of lighting a fire in the baptismal font! (assuming you don’t have a big baptistery or something…but that would be cool too.)
Last year our alternative service did an entire hour of creative expression. We had different art stations, but no “non-art” seats. Everyone who attended was at a creation place, and asked to contribute. It was fantastic. This year I’m thinking along the same lines, but maybe with some pre-planning we can do turn each station into a group project at the end. Maybe it’s some form of hanging art? Not sure yet. We’ve been doing resurrections appearances through eastertide so I would love to include that in our theme somehow. Maybe something birth like in imagery…something “womb” like perhaps…
It’s a low Sunday too. I’m never sure what to do with Memorial Day.
So, instead, I’ve crafted a liturgy where we will tell the story of Ezekiel acted out by two people. I’m using a translation from The Voice (adapted) and inviting the kids to be the dry bones between us. They will get containers of dry beans to shake at particular times. They will, of course, be encouraged to dance as the text concludes which should be awesome. I stole this idea from Worshiping with Children.
The “sermon” will be a series of stories about the revival of the church right now. I’ll use some Diana Butler Bass, stories from United Church News and a few other places. Between each vignette, we will sing a response but I can’t remember what we chose. Something about the Spirit.
It promises to be fun… hopefully even for my New England church.