One: Holy God, you are the One who creates,
who redeems, who sustains.
All: We give you thanks for all that you are
and all that you do.
One: You are love,
and those who abide in love abide in your presence.
All: Your love and justice are extravagant,
your grace amazing,
your peace beyond understanding.
(hymn, scripture reading)
All (sung): Kyrie Eleison
One: We forget that we are created in your image
We act as if we are undeserving of your love
All: Your steadfast love endures forever.
One: We limit your love
by choosing who we think is worthy;
by refusing to share;
by choosing judgment rather than love.
All: Your steadfast love endures forever.
One: We define what love is and looks like
You love us unconditionally…forgive our conditions.
All: Your steadfast love endures forever.
All (sung): Kyrie Eleison
One: You call us to a new way of life,
to come and see and hear and know and be transformed.
All: I don’t always want to be renewed—change is hard.
I am comfortable the way things are.
It’s easier to follow my way than to seek your way.
One: You call us to a new way of life,
a way of grace, peace, love, and justice.
All: I turn my eyes away from people in need.
I turn my heart away from people
with whom I disagree.
I turn my mind away
from ideas that make me uncomfortable.
All (sung): Kyrie Eleison
One: You call us to pray and work
for your kingdom to come on earth.
All: We turn our eyes from a dying creation,
ignoring your call to care.
We turn our hearts toward instant gratification
at the expense of the people
and the planet you have created.
We turn our minds toward easy answers,
rather than sitting with your mystery.
We turn our ears toward the loudest voices
rather than your voice in the silence and the silenced.
We turn inward to save our institutions
instead of heeding your call to go out.
All (sung): Kyrie Eleison
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church, Crystal Lake IL. inspired by the seeds gathered from the LiturgyLink Ash Wednesday brainstorming session.
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