“Beloved, as those who are in need of true and lasting healing, let us, as the family of God, approach the One who heals, saves and redeems us. Let us pray…”
Gracious, tender God, we bring to you our wounded souls, our selfish impulses, our arrogance. You offer us the kindom of heaven, yet we settle for earthly pursuits. Your ways are sometimes so simple, as you tell us “wash and be made clean”, but we insist on complicating grace. Forgive us, loving God. Replace our self-centeredness with your vision for the whole world. Restore us once again with your healing mercy, we pray in the name of the Christ, Amen.
“Brothers and sisters, children of the living God, it matters not who you are, how you got here, or what you brought with you. Christ chooses this day to make you clean. We are all forgiven. Thanks be to God!”
Submitted by the Rev. Julie Craig, who writes, prays, preaches and wears cute shoes as a minister member of Milwaukee Presbytery. She blogs at winsomelearnsome.wordpress.com.
I love love love the phrase “we insist on complicating grace.” I think I’m going to start using that all over the place.