For many of us, the start of the program year (often the Sunday after labor day, but some are in August and some will be later because of September 11th…) involves a very exciting worship experience. Often choirs return from summer break, the space may be decorated, there are more people around (maybe because Sunday School starts up again?), etc. Do you do anything special in worship to start the program year? Are you looking for creative ideas or hoping to bounce some stuff around and see what might work? Let’s dream together about how to kick off a new year in worship.
We are giving out Bibles to 3rd graders AND commissioning Sunday School teachers AND ordaining/installing deacons…I don’t know how we’ll fit anything else into the service! LOL.
I’m looking for something cool and meaningful-to-9-year-olds to do with the Bible presentation. Usually I talk about how important it is to read the Bible, but I’m pretty sure that’s falling on deaf ears. Any ideas?
In our presentation, we have the 4th graders look up Psalm 119: 97-105 (we usually put a post it on the correct page, it helps them out 🙂 The congregation joins in to read these verses as a litany. It turns out really nicely… It looks like you may have already had your service (we present bibles this weekend upcoming) but I’d be happy to share for next year…